
As the name Simpleton suggests, this theme has a simple layout (two-column), focusing on the content, rather than flashy graphics. The home page displays the most recent post and also has sections for recent posts, recent comments and popular posts. It also has the widgetized sidebar.
Due to time constraints and my commitment to my full-time job over at WooThemes I cannot provide any support for my WordPress themes. You are free to download and use them as you wish. But I will not be able to respond to any support queries.
I am leaving the comments to these themes open for users to help each other out.
Have fun!!
- Marcelino 2.0 » Blog Archive » FRESH01 // 23-01-2009
Due to time constraints and my commitment to my full-time job over at WooThemes I cannot provide any support for my WordPress themes. You are free to download and use them as you wish. But I will not be able to respond to any support queries.
I am leaving the comments to these themes open for users to help each other out.
Have fun!!
Arctic »
24-01-2008 at 11:37 pm // PermalinkNice work. I love the orange color and the location of the search field.
I’ve made a translation in french here :
Cobus // AUTHOR
24-01-2008 at 11:48 pm // Permalink@ libretto: Hi there, I’m glad you like the theme and thank you for the translation!
25-01-2008 at 9:05 pm // PermalinkI love this theme too ! Congratulation !
Edward Pham
31-01-2008 at 12:25 pm // PermalinkHi Cobus. Your Simpleton theme looks great. I really like the simplicity of it but also the functionality as well. However, I had a couple of questions.
(1) How do you set up the RSS feed button that you have on top in the header?
(2) How did you set up the Recent Posts, Recent Comments, and Popular Posts on the bottom of the page?
Thanks and great job!
// Edward Pham
Cobus // AUTHOR
31-01-2008 at 1:28 pm // Permalink@ Edward Pham: Hi Edward, thanks for the kind comment.
To answer your questions:
1) The RSS link is hardcoded and there is no way of setting it through WP (I might release an update at a later stage)
2) The three sections mentioned rely on plugins. Please check the readme file in the theme folder, I included links to all the plugins you need.
Hope that helps
09-02-2008 at 6:13 am // PermalinkLove the theme. Simple.
I don’t know if this helps anyone hoping to alter the RSS link, but I use feedburner, and there is a plugin that redirects all feeds from a site to your feedburner feed. It’s called feedsmith (, and works. This way, you don’t have to alter the feed url at all to use feedburner. This may not have answered anybodies question at all, but it’s something useful I found that may help someone.
08-03-2008 at 8:09 pm // PermalinkReally like the theme!
I would like to know how to modify this theme in the following way.
How do I change “index.php”, to make it display my 5 most recent posts (fully posts)? Instead of only displaying 1 post, as default.
08-03-2008 at 8:15 pm // PermalinkNevermind I figured it out!
27-03-2008 at 12:50 pm // PermalinkI’m using a heavily customized (Startpage more Magazine-Like) and translated (german) version of simpleton. I love it! Thanks!
But just one little Fix:
IE 6 has an error. At the Startpage the Sidebar wraps. I’ve fixed it with a new width for the #bottomboxes class. I’m using a width of 610 instead of 630. Now even IE 6 is satisfied.
Justin Davey
13-04-2008 at 6:27 pm // PermalinkAwesome theme, but how do I customize the CSS file?
Zach Smith
16-05-2008 at 2:53 am // PermalinkI need to know how to change the default one post per the homepage to 10 or so. I notice one commenter figured it out, but not me
Any help would be great.
Cobus // AUTHOR
16-05-2008 at 8:59 am // Permalink:
Hi there! No problem, here’s what you do:
Open index.php in a text editor of your choice, then simply delete this line of code:
< ?php query_posts($query_string . "&showposts=1"); ?>
You can then set the number of posts on the settings->reading page in your admin panel.
Hope that helps!
Mark G
08-06-2008 at 1:16 am // PermalinkI still have the IE problem, IE 6 even on the demo site doesn’t render right. Tried the mentioned bottomboxes tweak but that wasn’t it for me.
Mark G
09-06-2008 at 5:54 pm // PermalinkFixed with this:
Find these in mstyle.css and drop each by 1
16-06-2008 at 4:08 am // Permalinklove your Simpleton theme but I have found a BIG error/PROBLEM that I can not fix. Can you PLEASE help.
Take a look at in FireFox and then in IE.
The navigation links (Home, About TA6pm, About ISES, Pictures, Contact) are to the left where they should be in FF, but not in IE. In IE they are WAY over to the right and not seen at all behind the other
WHAT IS going on?? Most people still use IE so i can not launch the site until this is somehow fixed.
Can you help please with your theme asap please.
please help…
16-06-2008 at 11:06 pm // PermalinkHi Cobus
Just so you know here is what I had to do to fix the problem
First I made both changes you suggested to me in the email you sent to me in the mystyle file. While that did not fix the problem BUT it did allow me to control the spacing. In the header template I was able to add multiple tags below the line for the new site logo and move down the navigation until it showed correctly.
20-06-2008 at 9:33 pm // PermalinkHi Cobus - great theme!
Before I download, can you tell me know if the theme has been updated to include the fix for the viewing error with IE?
Many thanks!
Hosting Reviews
16-10-2008 at 4:26 pm // PermalinkNice and clean, just like it should be! Good work.
26-06-2009 at 11:51 pm // PermalinkHello there, I have problems when clicking “Previous entries” from the Home. 404 - Not found. Wants to go to /page/2 but seems that doesn’t exist.
Could some one help me please. I love this theme !!!
Thnak you very much,