I’ve been freelancing since October of 2007. It’s been super fun thus far, and I don’t have any regrets for taking the risk of going solo instead of getting a regular 9-5 office job. Up until now, I have been working from home. Now this obviously has it’s pros and cons, but overall I have really enjoyed it.
The only part of working from home that got to me was the isolation. And even with the internet being the social networking wonder that it is, I have always believed that “virtual”(or “online”, if you wish) communication will never be a substitute for real life social interaction.
So in an attempt to save myself from becoming a complete social retard, I moved into some very awesome offices on Monday with my friend Adii. I must give full credit to Adii, as the offices were completely his idea, and it is completely his office . I basically just work there on a “rent-a-desk” kind of setup. Which is great for me, because all the admin and work of getting the space set up was his problem ( thanks Adii ).
The office is still a work in progress. A few pieces of furniture, plus a poster or four from Signalnoise, are still on their way. I’ll post some pictures of our new workspace as soon as we’ve kitted everything out.
As you can tell, I’m super excited about these current happenings in my freelance journey, and there are a few other exciting plans that I can’t share just yet… so for updates soon.
25-07-2008 at 8:23 am // PermalinkHey guys, there is an easier option, that is if you ever move to the Garden Route.
check out George’s own Virtual Office setup.
Gets you going in no time without the hassle.
There is a similar setup in Cape Town as well (but not as cool) ….
Cobus // AUTHOR
25-07-2008 at 9:30 am // Permalink: Thanks for stopping by. We’re settling in nicely in our office (sitting at my shiny white desk as I type this
) BIG THINGS happening around here, so the hard work is definitely worth it 
But, like I mentioned, it was Adii’s hard work that made this a reality.
BTW, thanks for pointing out Office Reliance, I think I’ve heard about it before, but was never really sure what they do :p
Keep checking back for news on the BIG THINGS soon! And a picture or two!!
Keep Well
28-07-2008 at 1:09 pm // PermalinkWell said bud!
Been a pleasure having you here; as I’d be pretty lonely in these big offices, if I was the only one working from here…
Cobus // AUTHOR
28-07-2008 at 1:24 pm // Permalink: Yeah, definitely would’ve been a bit lonely by yourself :p It’s been major fun, and I look forward to what the future holds…
Jamie Le Souef
29-07-2008 at 3:12 am // PermalinkI’m in the same boat. I freelance, but also work for a company in another state. It’s great being at home, espicaly because i get to see my little boy (20 months old) all the time. But that’s both a blessing and a distraction!
And the isolation… it hurts. I find though that it helps me get to the gym - just for a excuse to get out and talk to someone.
Glad your loving it
Najib Hassan
29-07-2008 at 2:19 pm // Permalinkhi! it possible to use ur current theme? hihihi i love so much with ur current theme. it 3 coloum! you should make 3 coloum!
29-09-2008 at 4:21 pm // PermalinkI’ve been freelancing from home for about a year. Next month I’ll probably move to another town and start a more “office-like” schedule, because I was offered a job for a company. I’ve never really worked in an office so I guess it’s going to be fun, adjusting at the beginning. We’ll see…
Cobus // AUTHOR
29-09-2008 at 10:36 pm // Permalink: Sounds awesome
I’m really glad I made the move into the offices, as being around likeminded creative individuals has been amazing. It’s great to have someone to bounce ideas of, or just chat about geeky web design stuff
Plus I learn something new everyday!
Good luck with your move and adjusting to office life!
30-09-2008 at 6:12 pm // PermalinkExactly, Cobus! I feel that being able to share ideas with others or simply talk about them, will improve my work for sure

As they say… no man (or woman) is an island