I’m very proud to finally launch my long overdue redesign of FRESH01. It’s just about been a year since I started this blog in October of 2007 and the old design had become a bit out-dated and boring to me. So it feels good to put a ‘fresh’ coat of paint on it.
You’ll see I went for a completely different look that I feel shows of my personal design style much more than the old design did. Hopefully the new design is a testimony of how much I have learnt and grown design wise over the past year.
I’ll post a more in-depth look at the new design in the following week, with links and credits to all the resources I used to create this new design, so for that. I just wanted to get the new design out today after spending the weekend working on the finishing touches.
I would appreciate any feedback and criticism (constructive, ofcourse! ), so feel free to give your opinion in the comments to this post.
15-09-2008 at 9:33 am // PermalinkLooking pretty darn good man. Fancy borders and fancy text used for the block headers in the sidebar on the right. Don’t see THAT very often. Overall, nice design and from what I’ve seen, looks pretty unique compared to other sites out their which is key if you are a designer.
15-09-2008 at 10:34 am // PermalinkVery cool dude… Like the to the point design. Crisp really. Love what you have done with the wordpress themes. Would like to do something like that with mine. I did something a while ago. Check out my Wordpress themes page.
Also love the subscribe bar at the top there.
Looking forward to sharing the office with you. 
15-09-2008 at 2:10 pm // PermalinkLooks fantastic! Love the right sidebar, you’ve got the perfect balance there
Cobus // AUTHOR
15-09-2008 at 4:59 pm // Permalink: Thanks! I tried going for a unique, yet simple and usable site. So I’m happy that it shows.
: Thanks bro! Looking forward to having you here at {radiiate}. We’ve got loads of work lined up for you. So brace yourself… :p
: I appreciate the kind words!
15-09-2008 at 6:57 pm // Permalink*Very* nice redesign Cobus. Big improvement on the old design. I like the subtle author styling in the comments.
16-09-2008 at 12:22 am // PermalinkGreat (re)design!
16-09-2008 at 2:18 pm // PermalinkVery nice re-design, clean and clear, easy to read. Nice one!
17-09-2008 at 12:20 am // PermalinkNice one man, really impressive redesign also nice use of my icons. Lovely stuff!
17-09-2008 at 9:00 am // PermalinkVery Cool design, simple but effective!
Cobus // AUTHOR
17-09-2008 at 9:23 am // Permalink: Thanks man! I appreciate the kind words. I also feel that is is a big improvement on the old design! I should’ve done this ages ago! :p
, matt & mike: Thank you all very much
: Wow, thank you! I’m a big fan of your work, so your comment means alot! Was going to pop you an email to notify you about using your icons, but seems like you beat me to it
They are awesome icons!
Mike Smith
19-09-2008 at 6:26 am // PermalinkThis redesign makes me anticipate the {radiiate} launch even more. Awesome work.
Jamie Le Souef
19-09-2008 at 6:44 am // PermalinkLove the new design! how has it been working for you? has it improved traffic (by new or beter code?) And how have you seperated trackbacks from the comments! I’m trying to figure that out
I’ve subscribed for follups
Make Design, Not War
22-09-2008 at 8:13 pm // PermalinkHi there Cobus. Awesome redesign… lot’s of neat little design elements that I’m finding, and I love the unique color pallete. I’ll be subscribing for followups (looking forward to seeing the in depth look at the design process), but congrats on the new design!
Cobus // AUTHOR
24-09-2008 at 11:10 am // PermalinkLe Souef: Thank you
I’m very happy with the new design. There’s been a slight increase in traffic, but I’m hoping to keep it growing even more…
As for seperating the comments and trackbacks, check out this article - http://www.problogdesign.com/how-to/separating-trackbacks-from-comments/
Design, Not War: Hi there, thanks for the kind words!! I’m working on the design process post and should (hopefully) be done with it next week! btw, I like your username!
24-09-2008 at 2:09 pm // PermalinkReally lovely, sure, but I think you may have gone with a few too many current trends in the design.
Keep up the great work, I do love the content of the Blog as of late, though.
17-02-2009 at 10:22 am // PermalinkPretty hot design you’ve got there! Did you build it yourself?