
New WordPress themes directory

Posted on July 23, 2008 in Announcements, WordPress

This is slightly stale news by now, but I need to get my 2cents worth. WordPress have announced the opening their brand new theme directory to the public. The directory follows the same familiar format as the plugins directory, so if you are familiar with the latter you should feel comfortable with the new directory straight away.

Anybody can register and upload themes. The great thing is that the WordPress guys are putting in some extra effort to ensure that the themes in the directory are top notch and fully functional. And if the plugin directory is anything to judge by, we will soon have a directory full of awesome free WordPress themes.

After finishing and releasing my latest free theme, Scruffy, earlier today, I went ahead and submitted the theme to the new directory. Now I’m just waiting for the theme to be inspected, reviewed and (hopefully) approved. I will post an update as soon as WordPress notify me whether or not I made the cut. Wish me luck!

*UPDATE: Immediately after I clicked the “Publish” button for this post, I received an email from WordPress that my theme has been accepted in the directory. So I pretty proud to announce my first free theme in the WordPress theme directory! Check it out…

Free themes announcement

Posted on July 23, 2008 in Announcements, WordPress

I’ve released two brand new FREE WordPress themes in the last two days. The first is Base Dark, which is a light on dark variation of Base. The two themes are exactly the same, but I decided to make the light on dark version after a user request. So again, the theme focuses on doing all the basic WordPress features right, while having a few added features, like a options page for inserting a logo.

Inspired: Scott Hansen | ISO50

Posted on July 21, 2008 in Inspired

I’ve been a big fan of Scott Hansen’s work for a quite a while now. I first saw his work via Styleboost, back in 2005. His use of colors, lines and textures is truly awesome, and has inspired alot of designers.

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