
A WordPress theme with a unique “grunge” design.
View the full list of theme features here.
*Update 1 (24/09/2008):
Scruffy has been updated to version 1.1.
Changes that have been made:
1. Changed background images so that “Latest post” only displays on the homepage and the comments text does not appear on pages.
2. Added wp_footer() in footer.php. This allows plugins to hook into your footer and allows them to add code, etc in your site (Very important for some plugin’s functionality)
*Update 2 (08/10/2008):
Updated to version 1.2.
1. Added default WordPress gravatar support. (Removed old gravatar code in comments.php and replaced with standard WordPress code.)
*Update 3 (08/10/2008):
Updated to version 1.3.
1. Last lank in widget lists is now clickable in Internet Explorer.
Due to time constraints and my commitment to my full-time job over at WooThemes I cannot provide any support for my WordPress themes. You are free to download and use them as you wish. But I will not be able to respond to any support queries.
I am leaving the comments to these themes open for users to help each other out.
Have fun!!
Carlos SantaCruz
24-07-2008 at 4:40 am // PermalinkHi Cobus,
Thank you for this excellent theme, I have just applied to my blog.
24-07-2008 at 10:21 am // PermalinkGreat theme!!!
David Green
24-07-2008 at 11:45 am // PermalinkGreat theme, just added! I do have some feedback, though.
Page commenting doesn’t seem to be supported. I’m using WP 2.6 and have comments enabled on my six pages. I don’t actually mind having zero comment support on my pages, in my particular case, however the images marking ‘comments’ and ‘latest post’ still appear on my pages; which looks a little odd.
Maybe tweak the code so that if the page being viewed is a ‘page page’ rather than a ‘post page’, the images don’t display?
Great theme though, regardless. Any plans for a theme suitable for independant/student film makers?
24-07-2008 at 3:44 pm // Permalinkamazing theme many thanks for sharing with the community.
great design and all the right things in all the right places.
Thanks again
Cobus // AUTHOR
24-07-2008 at 7:28 pm // PermalinkGreen: Yeah, I know about that
You’re right, it does look a bit odd. I’ll sort it out for a future update…
Thanks for downloading and commenting
Michael Tefft
25-07-2008 at 5:37 pm // PermalinkThanks you for the wonderful theme. I have been looking to replace my old theme for some time now and yours is the best one I have found in a long time. One question. Is there a way to add the tagline below the blog title? Thanks again.
Tom Bammann
26-07-2008 at 8:50 am // PermalinkFantastic theme, perfect for a personal blog. It’s very scrap-booky which I love. Unfortunately “out of the box” it only works for a relatively short blog title otherwise the headings and pages overlap. If there is an easy way to make the height at the top automatically adjust for either a one line or two line blog title then it would be great.
27-07-2008 at 9:31 am // PermalinkDude, this is like, the EXACT theme I’ve been waiting for someone to make, thank you!
I hope lots of high paying freelance work gets sent your way.
27-07-2008 at 5:19 pm // PermalinkLove the theme. Thank you! Using it on two sites.
28-07-2008 at 5:30 am // PermalinkHi! We love this theme and we would like to add it in our directory so that you will have some added exposure. Can you fix your CSS so that it will be valid? Thanks.
Cobus // AUTHOR
28-07-2008 at 10:47 am // PermalinkThanks for all the comments guys! Much appreciated and I’m glad you all like the theme
Tefft: To add the tagline, paste the following code just below the code on line of the theme’s header.php file….
Not sure how the theme will react, the layout might break if you pop that in there, but give it a try and see what happens
Bammann: Yeah, I know what you mean…I’ll look into that and release an update that will support a longer blogtitle
: Awesome! Added exposure is always good, so I won’t complain
I’ll check out my CSS and upload an update as soon as I’ve fixed. You want me to pop you an email when I’m done??
28-07-2008 at 12:40 pm // PermalinkThe theme is fantastic, great job and thanks a lot!
Could you tell us what’s new in version 1.1? I’ve customized the other version so I prefer not to overwrite it.
28-07-2008 at 9:55 pm // PermalinkAwesome theme, I’m using it on my site now. Could you pop me an email when you choose to update it, to fix the paging and css issues?
Cobus // AUTHOR
28-07-2008 at 10:11 pm // Permalink: I’ll post a changelog tomorow
: Awesome! I’ll let you knpw when I get around to those fixes, thanks for donwloading & using my theme!
Ivan Santry
29-07-2008 at 8:59 am // PermalinkGreat theme, thanks. The footer isn’t quite right on IE6.
Thought it may be my site but the same happens for your demo link on this site. The “previous posts” does not show. FF display is perfect.
Cobus // AUTHOR
29-07-2008 at 9:07 am // PermalinkSantry: I know the theme isn’t 100% perfect in IE6. But it was a delibirate decision to NOT fix IE6 bugs, as I feel it is way past its lifespan.
I also have to fix IE6 bugs for all my client projects, so it’s nice to be able to ignore at times!
My advice - Just use Firefox! It’s way better
Thanks for stopping by
Dave Powers
29-07-2008 at 9:21 am // PermalinkFantastic Theme!
I am having a problem getting my author links to work. When you click on an author’s name, a 404 error page comes up. I have no idea why.
Have you heard of this problem before?
Thanks for your time.
Vilma Esquivel
29-07-2008 at 5:59 pm // PermalinkHi,
Your theme is great!! there is only one thing, when is opened in internet explorer it gets moved to the left and the nice comments graphic dissapears. Is there something that you can do about that. Thanks.
29-07-2008 at 6:32 pm // PermalinkA fantastic theme, too bad it doesn’t work with IE6! That makes it pretty useless, unfortunately. Of course Firefox is better and IE7 is out, but most people still use IE6 and they won’t switch to Firefox just to be able to read my Blog properly.
Ivan Santry
29-07-2008 at 9:23 pm // PermalinkOut of interest I checked my hit stats, IE6 was top with 48%, FF (2 and 3) made up 37% with IE7 only coming in at 5%.
Obviously that will change, IE6 will phase out but prob not as quick as the uptake of FF3.
I agree, Firefox is better but the public need to be convinced
Brian Alexander
29-07-2008 at 10:05 pm // Permalinklower your text size for blog titles and it works fine..
29-07-2008 at 10:21 pm // PermalinkI just saw this on someone’s blog and it is truly beautiful. Great job!
Ivan Santry
31-07-2008 at 8:43 am // PermalinkAlexander tried that (reduced h2 in the style.css) but no luck. Thanks for the suggestion tho.
Cobus // AUTHOR
01-08-2008 at 1:27 pm // PermalinkPowers: Nope, haven’t heard of that before. Can;t really say that I know what could be causing the problem
Perhaps take a look at the way your authors are setup in WordPress
Esquivel: What version of IE are we talking about?
: Yeah, I know. Many people still use IE6. I just didn’t feel like fixing the bugs for this theme, as I deel with IE6 issues nearly everday on client projects. So it was nice to turn a blid eye on this project
: Thanks! Glad you like the theme…
Santry: Yeah, I know a great amount of internet users are still using IE6 (why, I don’t know
). But like I said, I just felt like ignoring it for this theme. I think more people should ignore it, maybe the public will adapt to more modern browsers. Unfortunately one cannot ignore it on client projects, as you loose to much audience.
01-08-2008 at 3:46 pm // PermalinkI have to say this theme is great! I like it very much.
Wish your subsequent work!
03-08-2008 at 5:52 am // PermalinkLove the theme! Thanks! I made some modifications and while it works in Safari, the background disappears in Firefox. Any suggestions?
03-08-2008 at 11:49 am // Permalink@ Fay: definitely a problem with your “bg.jpg”. It can’t be displayed, must be damaged or something.
04-08-2008 at 12:13 pm // Permalinkcool theme….i use it on my little blog,but the problem is in IE 6…
can you fix this problem?
i thing many people still use IE 6 :-s
06-08-2008 at 11:43 pm // PermalinkHI.. I really like this theme… one ?… Is it necessary to have “continue reading” on every post. Some posts are short and this option is not needed.
Please continue the nice work… I look forward to seeing and possibly using other themes from you.
All the best.
08-08-2008 at 9:57 pm // PermalinkWhat a great looking theme. I really like that you’ve covered so many options, especially the paragraph options and the pullquotes. Thank you very much for sharing
Serge K. Keller
09-08-2008 at 6:17 pm // PermalinkYes, I know, somebody already translated it in French… But being the control freak that I am, I’d like to translate it myself for my use.
Would it be possible for you to put the PSD files where text is included for downloading? That would simplify things also for others that would like to translate it in other languages…
Nice work, BTW! The only glitch I see is the “Latest post” image that stays there even when you navigate away from the home page… Ah, well!
Cobus // AUTHOR
Cobus // AUTHOR
11-08-2008 at 10:08 am // PermalinkK. Keller: Mmm, I wasn’t too keen on releasing the PSD. I will consider this and post it here if I decide to do so.
Serge K. Keller
11-08-2008 at 12:32 pm // Permalink: no sweat, if you don’t want to I respect that. It’ll just make it a bit harder to translate it, that’s all…
Thank you for your hard work!
11-08-2008 at 1:22 pm // PermalinkCobus, try to see ppl’s requests as a compliment, shows that they really like your work.
By the way, I figured out that the theme does work fine with IE6 with the help of just a tiny little fix… but I don’t wanna undermine Cobus’ attempt to make IE6 disappear
Will Haynes
12-08-2008 at 12:50 am // Permalinkgot a link over here from,
the theme is amazing, great to see there is still some originality out there.
Katlee Shank
20-08-2008 at 3:44 pm // PermalinkI love this theme… that little bit of messiness works nicely for an art site… am I allowed to do some color changes and small adjustments? I’ll still be leaving your tag at the bottom for credit of it with a little ‘personalized from’ before it… Definitely all your designing…
EvilShnievel… you could always be a dear and email me that fix.
Cobus // AUTHOR
20-08-2008 at 3:51 pm // Permalink: Hehe, I know, the all caps message may have been unecesary
But I just had to get the message accross! And please post your fix, it would be awesome if you take that problem out of my hands 
Haynes: Thanks! I appreciate the comment
Shank: Sure, change as much as you like
21-08-2008 at 3:08 pm // PermalinkThis is the best theme I ever worked with!
The only thing is the look in ie6! But it really is a piece of art! I changed a little the layout f you don’t mind, but the credits still remains!
Keep the good work!
21-08-2008 at 9:24 pm // Permalinkand Katlee Shank: My fix is really easy, just change the doctype from “transitional” to “strict” mode, that’s all!
22-08-2008 at 10:07 pm // Permalink: Thanks for the tip, but how can i do it?
22-08-2008 at 10:43 pm // Permalink: You’re welcome! Just edit the first line of header.php, replace “transitional” with “strict” (twice).
24-08-2008 at 7:33 pm // PermalinkThat doesn’t seem to do the trick for me either. Still no change in I.E 6.0. Too bad, would have loved to use this one but too many people still use 6.0 for me to feel comfortable with using it.
27-08-2008 at 2:01 am // PermalinkHey Cobus,
Love the theme, was just wondering if Google Analytics/analytics plugins will work with it. I’m pretty sure my analytics plugin stopped working when I installed your theme, but I’m not 100% sure. I really hope that’s not the case, because it’s the best one I’ve found so far.
Cobus // AUTHOR
27-08-2008 at 11:15 am // Permalink: As far as I know, my theme shouldn’t cause any problems with the Google Analytics plugin. Have you tried deactivating and reactivating the plugin?
28-08-2008 at 1:03 am // PermalinkCobus:
Some analytics plug-ins are dependent on the use of wp_footer(). Scruffy doesn’t call this function and therefore prevents these plugins from working. Simply adding this to the footer.php file solves the problem
To fix this problem, you will need to edit the Footer file for the Scruffy theme. To do this
1. Go to the Theme Editor (Admin > Design > Theme Editor
2. Select “Scruffy” from the list of themes to edit
3. Choose “Footer (footer.php)” from the list of Theme Files
4. Insert the following text on a new line above >/body<
>?php wp_footer();?<
28-08-2008 at 1:04 am // Permalinksorry, that should read:
4. Insert the following text on a new line above